My name is Katie, I'm the owner and director of both The Reflexology Hub Berkhamsted & The School of Calmology, where we create beautiful, bespoke training courses for professionals that bring the 'calm' into the lives of babies, children, teenagers and adults.
After many years of working in the training and development sector, I decided to follow my passion for complementary therapies.
Having gained an array of qualifications along the way, I finally found what I wanted to specialise in, women and children's health & wellbeing. It was after having my own three children, that I really became a passionate advocate for women's health. The need to nurture and support our bodies through the different life stages is vital, not only for our physical health but mental wellbeing to.
It was my own children's struggles that opened my eyes to the support our little people, the future, needed. The pressure our young people are under today is far greater than ever before, with social media consuming our children, the days of playing out until the sun goes down are long gone. Times have certainly changed and with that change, we must all adapt to ensure we protect and nurture our children's mental and physical wellbeing.
I have a private studio that is nestled within a beautiful garden, relaxation begins the moment you walk through the gate.
I'm looking forward to being part of your journey to improving, supporting and nurturing both you and your child's physical and emotional needs.
Katie x

Adult Reflexology & Reiki: Includes Reflexology to support menopause, reflexology lymphatic drainage, maternity reflexology, hot stone reflexology, aromareflex reflexology reflexology for equilibrium & reflexology infused with reiki. We also offer Children's Reflexology and Baby and Toddler Reflexology for Parents. If you would like to discuss any of the available treatments or would like to tailor a treatment to meet your specific requirements, please contact Katie on 01442 817367
or email thereflexologyhubberkhamsted@gmail.com
HP4 1JD.
